
New direction

Some of you may have noticed this hiatus in blog posts. While, this may be a rite of passage for most bloggers (lack of inspiration, time or plain fatigue), in my case it was also on purpose. This blog started out as a place to document ideas, milestones and inspiration towards being better versions of ourselves. However, like so many blogs out there, it seemed to be moving towards the  ‘look what i bought’ direction instead of what I envisioned for it – an interactive system where we can share ideas and learn from our experiences. Well, the biggest thing I have learned in these past 2 years is that shopping is exhausting and I also hate it!

Do I love fashion? Absolutely. There are thousands of fashion bloggers over the world with much better personal style than mine. I look to them for inspiration. That said, emulating other fashion bloggers and being trapped in this endless cycle of shopping is no longer of interest to me.

So guess what peeps, we are changing directions! I have a few ideas I have been ruminating over and I will let you discover them as they crystallize. I will continue to showcase my best personal style moments and travel stories. I hope you will join me on this journey.


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